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10 Everyday Habits That Can Harm Your Eyes Without You Realizing

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Your eyes are one of the most sensitive and hardworking parts of your body, yet many of us unknowingly engage in habits that can cause long-term damage to our vision. Here are 10 everyday habits that might be harming your eyes without you even realizing it:

1. Rubbing Your Eyes

Rubbing your eyes can feel relieving, but it can actually damage the tiny blood vessels under the skin, cause irritation, and even increase the risk of infections. Over time, excessive rubbing can lead to conditions like keratoconus, where the cornea thins and changes shape. 

2. Staring at Screens for Too Long

Prolonged screen time can cause digital eye strain, leading to headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, and neck pain. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. 

3. Not Wearing Sunglasses

A girl in a white sweater protects her face from bright sunlight

Skipping sunglasses, especially on bright days, exposes your eyes to harmful UV rays, increasing the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and growths on the eye. Choose sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

4. Sleeping with Contact Lenses In

Unless prescribed by your eye doctor, sleeping in contact lenses reduces oxygen supply to your cornea, increasing the risk of serious infections like corneal ulcers.

5. Using Expired Eye Makeup

Old makeup can harbor bacteria, leading to eye infections. Replace mascara every 3 months and avoid sharing makeup to reduce the risk of contamination.

6. Not Staying Hydrated

Curly haired woman drinking water from a glass with a refreshing look on her face

Dehydration affects your body in many ways, including your eyes. Without enough water, your eyes can become dry and irritated. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes hydrated and healthy.

7. Skipping Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams can detect issues before symptoms appear, including eye conditions and diseases like glaucoma, which can lead to vision loss if untreated. Even if you think your vision is fine, routine check-ups are crucial.

8. Poor Contact Lens Hygiene

Not cleaning your contact lenses properly or using tap water to rinse them can lead to infections. Always follow your eye doctor’s care instructions, use fresh solution, and wash your hands before handling lenses.

9. Overusing Eye Drops

While eye drops can provide temporary relief, overusing them, especially those with redness-reducing agents, can actually make your symptoms worse over time. If you find yourself relying on drops frequently, give us a call to schedule a Dry Eye Consultation.

10. Reading in Poor Lighting

Though it won’t permanently damage your eyes, reading in dim light can cause eye strain and discomfort. Make sure you have adequate lighting when reading or doing close-up work.

Protect Your Vision

Snellen chart and closeup of woman's eye on grey background. Vision acuity test

Your eyes deserve as much care as the rest of your body. By breaking these harmful habits and scheduling regular eye exams, you can help maintain healthy vision for years to come. If you have concerns about your eye health, don’t hesitate to reach out to your eye care provider for personalized advice.

Written by Crystal Vision Clinic

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